Contact information

Fornaes Ship Recycling

Rolshøjvej 12
DK-8500 Grenaa
CVR: 16148202


Opening hours

Monday to Thursday: 8:00 - 16:00
Friday: 8:00 - 14:00


Fornaes Ship Recycling - at the Port of Grenaa

Fornaes Ship Recycling is located at the Port of Grenaa in the middle of Denmark. Out there on Jutland’s “nosetip” we are scrapping the ships and have our warehouses with all kinds of marine equipment, and you are very welcome to come and have a look at it all.

Aarhus Airport is only 25 km away and has flights to several destinations in the Northern Europe.
From Copenhagen Airport there are several flights to Aarhus Airport every day.

For electronic and radio equipment

Nordsokaj 2-4, DK-7680 Thyboron, Denmark
WhatsApp: +45 20 40 63 51
Mobil: +45 20 40 55 09